Some breakout groups which we call Affinity Groups have decided to meet outside of the BPRG when they have an affinity for a targeted topic or area of research. Below is a description of each Affinity Group and whom to contact to get more information about them. While we support our Affinity Groups and try to create a space/platform for them to meet and communicate, they are considered separate from the BPRG.
Diversity Outreach and inclusion (DOI)
As an offshoot of the Boston Psychedelic Research Group, the Diversity, Outreach, and Inclusion Affinity Group is dedicated to advancing the field of clinical psychedelic research by developing diverse community networks, sharing perspectives, increasing technical capacity and advocating that the theory, research, and application of psychedelics as legal medicine be conducted through a social justice framework.
Contact: Tunde Aideyan. aideyan.b@northeastern.edu
Contemplative Practice & Psychedelics
The Contemplative Practice & Psychedelics affinity group hosts a forum approximately every two months for exploring the intersection of contemplative practices with psychedelic research and therapy. Though primarily focused on Buddhist and Vedic-inspired practices, we are interested in any approach that is represented in contemporary psychedelic research. Each meeting is led by a facilitator (often by a group member) who suggests reading material, gives a presentation, and guides discussion focused on a specific aspect of this intersection (e.g. how self-compassion training can aid in the process of psychedelic therapy). The group is open to anyone who is interested in participating in thoughtful dialogue about how contemplative practices can inform psychedelic research and therapy, and vice versa!
Contact: Elise Hoblitzelle - ebhoblit@gmail.com
Psychedelic-assisted therapies have been shown to be promising treatments to help relieve psychological and existential distress in patients with serious illness or at the end of life. These treatments are being studied to determine how helpful they are and to learn which modalities work best for which populations. There is hope that psychedelic-assisted therapies can improve psychosocial and existential outcomes in these patients and families. This affinity group gathers researchers and others who are interested in this aspect of psychedelic research.
Contact: Gali Lodish- glodish@gmail.com
The California Institute of Integral Studies has the only training program affiliated with an academic institution to become a Certified Psychedelic assisted Therapist and Researcher-CPTR. This is a great place to start if you are interested in learning about the many different modalities in this field and it is the only comprehensive course of it’s kind. CPTR launched a Boston Cohort in 2021 and has 3 cohorts (Boston (hybrid), San Francisco (hybrid) and Online (virtual only). The program open to licensed medical and mental health professionals and to ordained clergy and commissioned chaplains. See the CIIS/CPTR website to learn more.
Contact: Anne St Goar - saintpage@comcast.net
The Trainee Affinity group is a community for clinical trainees in the Boston area (psychiatry residents, psychology trainees, social work/therapy trainees) to share experiences, ideas, and resources for incorporating psychedelics research, education, and advocacy into their training years and practice.
Contact: Amanda Kim - akim@bwh.harvard.edu
North Shore Affinity Group
BPRG North Shore is a newly created Affinity Group based on region - for clinicians and others who live or work on the North Shore of Boston, involved with or interested in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy. We have an active email listserve for networking, discussion of questions, and mutual support. We plan to have periodic gatherings online and in-person.
Contact: Matt Stella - mattstella.licsw@comcast.net
Veteran Connection & Support Affinity Group
We are a veteran-centric group of veterans, providers, business strategists who are creating community & synergizing with leading organizations to build a trusted healing path for veterans and their families. If you know a veteran who would like to learn more about psychedelic healing from veteran peers, or one who has experienced therapy and is looking for a psychedelic-friendly veteran community, we'd love to connect!
Also, did you know that The Fireside Project offers free & confidential integration support with Veteran peers?You can download the app or call 62-FIRESIDE.
Contact: Rebecca Slater re.slater.108@gmail.com
Adolescence and Pediatrics Affinity Group
This is a new Affinity Group within BPRG for future work with Children and Adolescents. Rebecca has been doing individual and family psychotherapy with children, adolescents and their families for over 15 years now and she'd love to spearhead this group.
Contact: Rebecca Girard - becca@rebeccagirard.com
Psychedelics and Autism Affinity Group
This is another new group started by Rebecca Girard about Autism and Psychedelics. If you are interested, please contact Rebecca.
Contact: Rebecca Girard - becca@rebeccagirard.com